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Petland Kennesaw, Georgia
March 9, 2019
We want you to be equipped with not only the basic information but also the emotional information that comes with owning a pet. Being a part of a family is complex and can be overwhelming when you have many people at home including your dog(s). We want to provide you with some helpful tips on how to transition your pup from playing with children to now young adults.
Teenagers can have very hectic schedules. As children get older, they tend to spend less and less time at home. School and friends can be crowding their schedule which leaves little time to bond with the family dog. Persuade your teen to spend some time with your dog by adding an incentive. An idea for an incentive could be giving him or her money to walk the dog or adding it to their allowance for the week.
If your dog has been in your family long enough to see your children grow into teenagers, it may be time to add another puppy to your family. Your pet may appreciate another partner to play with especially if no one’s home anymore like old times. Petland locations have puppies for sale. We can assist you not only in your family transition but adding a friendly puppy to your family that will make a great fit. Want to see our adorable available puppies for sale, just click here!
Remember when you were looking for puppies for sale and how special that was for your family? Now that your children are older it may call for some creativity to spend more time at home as a family. Starting a game night once a week can make the perfect excuse to adjust their schedule to be home. The game night should include your dog to add quality time by playing fetch or having your dog run from member to member to create some engagement with the family as a whole. This could be encompassing of everyone having a great time as a family.
Whatever you decide, know that there are Petland locations near you for any assistance you or your pet may need. We take pride in our skilled team and high standards. We not only have puppies for sale, but a skilled team to provide you the information you need when you take your puppy homes – come see us today.