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Petland Kennesaw, Georgia
June 13, 2019
They are small but very mighty dogs, and they have so much love for their owners. These dogs enjoy spending quality leisure time with their owners. Teacup dog breeds are an overload of cuteness, ask anyone who owns a Teacup and they will never tell you that their dogs are not super cute. With that said, there are a few special ways to take care of a Teacup that you should know before preparing to buy one. Want to see all of our available puppies, just click here!
One of the hardest parts of training these cute dogs is telling them no when they are misbehaving. But by discouraging bad behavior they will be less likely to repeat the actions. Teacup dog breeds have a lot of energy and sometimes do not know what to do with all of it, so if you feel like they are letting their energy out in a negative way do not be afraid to tell them no.
It is important that you make sure these dogs get food with fiber to ensure that their health is strong throughout their entire life. Teacups also need to keep as much weight on them as possible. Make sure to check with one of our staff to make sure you buy the right type of dog food for these small guys.
If you are looking for a dog to take out on long hiking trips, these Teacup dog breeds are not what you need. Their small little bodies can only handle so much walking before they become exhausted. So, if you are a Teacup owner make sure that the walks are long enough to let your dog do their business but not too overwhelmingly long.
Teacups are a very special dog breed. They are super cute but must be handled correctly to ensure that they have a life full of good health and happiness. If you have more questions about how to take care of a Teacup dog breed give us a call today at Petland. Our certified staff will take the time to make sure that you fully understand the care that needs to be given to these special dogs.