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Petland Kennesaw, Georgia
October 28, 2018
There is so much to say about the Boston Terrier’s personality and overall disposition that makes them a great addition to many types of families. They are incredible with children and considered one of the top kid-friendly breeds. They are sturdier than other small dog breeds so they can handle a little rougher play time. Should you purchase one of our Boston Terrier puppies, you’ll experience the joy of a comical and extremely playful breed.
Did you know that Boston Terriers are one of the dogs breeds made in the U.S.A.? They are, in fact their name come from Boston, Massachusetts. Because of their sweet temperaments and beautiful tuxedo-like coats, they’re affectionately known as the “American Gentleman.” These dapper dudes have been an American staple since the 1960’s and have consistently been popular pups in households across the country. So what do you think? Do you have the energy to match a Boston? Do you have the family dynamics to welcome one of our Boston Terrier puppies? Need more information? We’ve got you covered. Take a look at some more interesting facts about these bouncing beauties!