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Petland Kennesaw, Georgia
October 14, 2019
Trick or Treat! It’s that spooky time of the year again and the ghost and goblins will be everywhere. Your neighborhood will be full of Halloween parties, decorations, games and tons of candy for trick-or-treaters. Traditionally this is an exciting and busy night for kids of all ages. Parents work hard to ensure their little ones have a blast and stay safe. Kids are supervised by adults and their candy is carefully inspected. Pets are just as important as kids and as a pet owner, your job is to keep Fido safe during this busy Halloween time.
There are many ways to make sure your furry friend is safe. Here is a list of 5 Do’s and Don’ts that will help you keep your dog safe while out trick-or-treating or simply enjoying the spirit of Halloween!
Costumes can be a fun and cute idea for your pet, but not every costume will work. It’s best to try out the costume on your pet before Halloween night. Fido’s costume should be safe and non-restricting. If the costume makes your pet uncomfortable or restricts his sight or hearing choose a different costume. Wearing a costume should not be a punishment for your pet. Keep these rules in mind when it comes to a costume for Fido:
Your pet loves to be comfortable so don’t let the costume spoil their Halloween. If all else fails, remember Fido loves his birthday suit and will be proud to wear it.
Some candies are sweetened with xylitol and can be toxic to your pet. Candy ingested by animals can cause diarrhea, liver failure and loss of coordination. Make sure your children know the dangers of giving your pet any candy during this Halloween time. All forms of chocolate are dangerous and can be lethal for your pet. Seek emergency help if needed.
Follow these simple pointers in regards to candy and your pet:
Kids are everywhere Halloween night and they love playing pranks. Your dog may not be safe in your backyard. Keep your pet safe in a separate room or crate, since your door will be opening for lots of trick-or-treaters. This will avoid possible escapes and aggressive or territorial behavior from your pet.
Loud noises and crowds are a part of the Halloween celebration. Sudden noises can cause excitement to Fido. Even the most trained dog can react in an unexpected manner. Updated pet id tags could make it easier to find your dog if they escape. Make sure your dog is on a leash and handled by a capable adult. Following this tip can lessen the stress of the night for you and your dog and make sure your Halloween night is a good one.
Decorations are everywhere at Halloween time. They may be cool for kids to see and create a festive scene for trick-or-treaters, but hazardous to your dog. Jack-O-Lanterns and glow sticks are traditional decorations to help create the Halloween spirit for children. But pet owners beware, these decorative items can have a detrimental effect on your pet. Here are few hidden dangers lurking in Halloween decorations
Get ready to enjoy the excitement of Halloween with your dog. Following these tips will keep Fido safe and avoid a visit to the veterinarian. Dogs are smart animals they just need our help to stay safe. Remember to avoid Halloween candy or decorations, update Fido’s id, make sure his costume is functional and keep your pet in a safe space. Now relax and enjoy the adventure of all the ghosts and goblins knowing Fido is well taken care of and safe.